Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Enjoy the Wonders of Neem

Enjoy the Wonders of Neem: "For centuries the Neem tree has been known as the wonder tree of India. Traditionally used in ayurvedic remedies as an antiseptic to fight viruses and bacteria, it is also recommended for urinary disorders, diarrhea, fever, skin diseases, burns and inflammatory diseases. Because of its wide variety of applications it is commonly called the 'Friend and Protector of the Indian Villager.

Today modern research has verified the remarkable attributes of this tree. Neem is increasingly a key ingredient in modern cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Cracking the Secrets of Neem Why is Neem such a wonder tree?

Modern research studies have discovered that it contains both alkaloids and liminoids, each with an array of medicinal properties. For instance, one liminoid (azadirachitin) has been found to be 95% effective when used as a pesticide and insecticide.

Another liminoid found in Neem leaves (gedunin) has been used to treat malaria in tropical countries. It is administered as a tea or herbal infusion. Two other alkaloids (nimbin and nimbidin) have antiviral and antifungal properties.

While all parts of the tree are used in traditional ayurvedic formulas, there are three parts that are of particular benefit. These are the bark, the leaf and the oil.

Uses of Neem Bark

The Neem bark has cool, bitter, and astringent properties. It is traditionally used to treat tiredness, Kapha dosha imbalance, worms, fever and loss of appetite. Because of its antiseptic and astringent properties, it is especially helpful in healing wounds.

Probably the most common use of Neem bark is to clean the teeth. The traditional method is to snap off a twig of the tree and chew on it. The astringent qualities of the bark prevented bleeding gums, tooth decay and foul smell long before the advent of "

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